Silver toe rings in jewellery and other accessories looks good. Few do stop to wonder what additional added value they are getting for the piece they wear. There have been reasons to wear certain jewellery throughout the ages, and it’s an excellent time to get back to that.  What are the scientific reasons behind toe rings? One of the scientific reasons stated behind men wearing a toe ring is to increase their vigor—some means to wear it on the big toe to attain this purpose. There is also reflexology information that mentions that you can treat gynaecological problems merely by massaging your second toe. The belief is that the simple act of wearing a toe ring presses in specific nerves that keep the reproductive system both balanced and healthy. Based on ancient Ayurvedic medicine, wearing a toe ring worked for hand in hand with acupressure. Acupressure does follow the same principles as acupuncture; the only difference is that it’s based on life energy flowing through meridians. The point of it, along with the toe ring, is to clear any blockages at one’s acupuncture points. The argument put forth is that, as per Indian culture, all life force, or “prana,” must be balanced to stay generally healthy. As per the belief, all life force runs down to one’s toes, and this having a toe ring is a useful yet symbolic way to achieve harmony in one’s body and, thus, one’s life. This is not something proven, but a belief passed down through generations that it improves reproductivity. Benefits of wearing toe rings Wearing a toe ring is not merely a fashion statement. There is much more to it, and that’s what we’ll explore next. 1.Helps in resolving gynaecological issues While the silver toe ring, in general, gives beauty to one’s feet, it can also resolve gynaecological issues that one might have, including that of menstrual cycles. That’s because the ring works to massage one’s toes and remove blockages in the body that could be causing the problem. Based on Hindu culture, unmarried women that tend to experience period problems would benefit from wearing a toe ring. However, unlike married women, they would wear them on the third toe to ease their agony. Both men and women can wear a toe ring if they are looking to bring health and balance to their reproductive system. It’s said to work because it is said that the ring applies pressure to the nerves responsive for reproductive health.   2.May help women get pregnant The silver toe ring helps regulate a woman’s menstrual cycle, and it does the same thing with the uterus. The nerve that runs from the second toe ring goes through the uterus and then to the heart. In essence, it helps a woman get pregnant, along with the fact that the child will be conceived from love. 3.Symbolizes marriage While this appeals to Indian and similar cultures, having a silver toe ring on shows your community’s relationship status. It shows that you’re engaged or married, and thus others will accord you the respect you deserve for your status. 4.Absorbing energy It’s recommended that you opt for silver and not gold when purchasing a silver toe ring. The belief is that it is best to absorb the polar energies that come from the earth and then pass through the body. When that happens, it’s thought that the body can’t, but help is refreshed. 5.Astrological importance When wearing a silver toe ring, it helps retain the effect that the moon has on the body in astrology. It is said that the moon calms both the heart and the mind.  6.Traditionally defined a man’s status In Hindu culture, men too did wear silver toe rings. The benefit for them was that they could let other women and men know that they are married. Women typically walked with their heads down and wouldn’t look into a man’s eyes. Therefore, seeing a toe without a ring would give them the courage to know that they are dealing with an unmarried man.